Here are RPG's coming out this month you might want to keep an eye on. If you like RPGs that is.
Baroque (Wii, PS2): April 8- A dungeon crawler in which you must discover the secrets behind the world of ruin you wake up in. The name comes from a type of person in this world who basically suffer severely from their own delusions; 'Baroques'. There are also Meta-Beings, who have become monsters after completely succumbing to their 'Baroques'. A theme in this game is described commonly as 'death is the beginning', because when you die, you do die, but some different things happen in the game as a result, such as unlocking new areas, and new character dialogue.
Rondo of Swords (DS): April 15- This strategy RPG focuses on the body double of Prince Serdic of Bertwalde, after the kingdom is attacked by the Grand Meir Empire. The game features a different kind of battle system, in which when you move units, you move them through your allies and enemies, and attack those in your way. Choosing a path to move your units plays a great part in battles, and there will also be a variety of units for combat as you would expect, each with special abilities and features.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness (DS): April 20- To understand the Pokémon, you must become the Pokémon. Just as in the other two Mystery Dungeon games (Red and Blue Rescue Teams), your character has somehow gone to another world populated by Pokémon and has become a Pokémon. You then go on an adventure of treasure-hunting with your Pokémon allies. Each game also has an exclusive Pokémon you can unlock, just like the regular series. If you really, really, gotta catch 'em all, the games, that is, then this should serve you well.

Persona 3: Fes (PS2): April 22- Did you miss Persona 3 last year? Or maybe you just can't wait for Persona 4. Well, you're in luck. Not only does this game come with an expansion to the original game, it comes WITH the original Persona 3, which was not the case for the Japanese release. This set contains The Journey, which is basically the first game, and The Answer, the new expansion, and is more of a typical exploration RPG, and has less of activity than The Journey does. It also adds about 30 more hours of game time. Fight your way through your high school against evil beasties during the Dark Hour. Let yourself become a typical, emotionally imbalanced high school student so your Persona will become unleashed, in this installment of the cult, fan-favorite series.
The World Ends With You (DS): April 22- The words 'hip', 'fresh' and 'urban' are often used to describe this game, with music reminiscent of 'hip-hop' and techno sounds. Taking place in Japan's Shibuya district (yes, a contemporary setting RP), you play a boy named Neku who was seven days to complete all the tasks of the 'Reaper's Game'...or else. His psychic powers will help him along the way, as well as partners in each chapter.
Baroque (Wii, PS2): April 8- A dungeon crawler in which you must discover the secrets behind the world of ruin you wake up in. The name comes from a type of person in this world who basically suffer severely from their own delusions; 'Baroques'. There are also Meta-Beings, who have become monsters after completely succumbing to their 'Baroques'. A theme in this game is described commonly as 'death is the beginning', because when you die, you do die, but some different things happen in the game as a result, such as unlocking new areas, and new character dialogue.
Rondo of Swords (DS): April 15- This strategy RPG focuses on the body double of Prince Serdic of Bertwalde, after the kingdom is attacked by the Grand Meir Empire. The game features a different kind of battle system, in which when you move units, you move them through your allies and enemies, and attack those in your way. Choosing a path to move your units plays a great part in battles, and there will also be a variety of units for combat as you would expect, each with special abilities and features.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness (DS): April 20- To understand the Pokémon, you must become the Pokémon. Just as in the other two Mystery Dungeon games (Red and Blue Rescue Teams), your character has somehow gone to another world populated by Pokémon and has become a Pokémon. You then go on an adventure of treasure-hunting with your Pokémon allies. Each game also has an exclusive Pokémon you can unlock, just like the regular series. If you really, really, gotta catch 'em all, the games, that is, then this should serve you well.
Persona 3: Fes (PS2): April 22- Did you miss Persona 3 last year? Or maybe you just can't wait for Persona 4. Well, you're in luck. Not only does this game come with an expansion to the original game, it comes WITH the original Persona 3, which was not the case for the Japanese release. This set contains The Journey, which is basically the first game, and The Answer, the new expansion, and is more of a typical exploration RPG, and has less of activity than The Journey does. It also adds about 30 more hours of game time. Fight your way through your high school against evil beasties during the Dark Hour. Let yourself become a typical, emotionally imbalanced high school student so your Persona will become unleashed, in this installment of the cult, fan-favorite series.
The World Ends With You (DS): April 22- The words 'hip', 'fresh' and 'urban' are often used to describe this game, with music reminiscent of 'hip-hop' and techno sounds. Taking place in Japan's Shibuya district (yes, a contemporary setting RP), you play a boy named Neku who was seven days to complete all the tasks of the 'Reaper's Game'...or else. His psychic powers will help him along the way, as well as partners in each chapter.
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