Friday, February 1, 2008

Ask Ackbar

Admiral Ackbar is famous for his skills as Supreme Commander of the Rebel Alliance, as seen in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, but he’s also famous for his intellectual prowess. He is renowned for his skilful use of "deductive reasoning" while using abductive reasoning and astute observation to solve difficult cases. That’s why he was the first one to decipher Emperor Palpatine’s complex plot to use an "incomplete" but fully functional second Death Star to destroy the Rebel Alliance. Now that the galaxy is safe from the Empire, the Mon Calamari Admiral has gotten a part-time job as a detective and will continue his tradition of stating the obvious, starting with the Arkham Asylum, located on the outskirts of Gotham City. What in the world could that place be for? Let's ask Ackbar.

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