Thursday, April 3, 2008

Nintendo Power Virtual Console Poll: Vote for Earthbound!

The newest issue of Nintendo Power asks readers to let them know what classic games they want to see on the Virtual Console, and want readers' lists of the top 5 choices they have for games, and the results will be posted 'in an upcoming issue'.

However, take note that NP does say "This is for polling purposes only, and will in no way determine future Virtual Console releases".

'In no way'? Then why bother? Well, they are a magazine who is simply asking for audience feedback. That's part of it. But also, well, maybe Nintendo of America will take notice of some of the most popular choices, and consider putting them out on the VC.

Naturally, is all over this, and suggests that if people want Mother and Earthbound/Mother 2 on the VC, they should put these games on their list.

As I have shared, it now seems astronomically unlikely that NoA is going to ever touch the Mother series again; they don't want to release Mother 3, and it seems that Earthbound will not be on the VC, by Nintendo's planning.

But you know what, do it anyway. Put the Mother games on your list and send it to Nintendo Power anyway.

Oh and the other 3 games can be whatever you want. Go nuts. :P

Mail your lists to Nintendo Power at


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Shin Lord said...

Thanks for the news bit, Shirow Wolf. I sent in my e-mail with the following list:

1. EarthBound (SNES)
2. Super Mario RPG (SNES)
3. Diddy Kong Racing (N64)
4. Excitebike 64 (N64)
5. Blast Corps (N64)

I hope that helps, as I really want EarthBound to return and Mother 3 released.

Shin Lord became tame.

Anonymous said...

I did it while you weren't lookin'. :D

You know, you CAN get DKR on the DS... :P

Anonymous said...

I Want

(snes) Mario Kart

and thats it