Friday, November 23, 2007

Character Profile: Jar Jar Binks

Back in 1983, when Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi was released, many people thought the Ewoks ruined the film because there’s just no way that furry midget teddy bears could defeat Imperial Stormtroopers by throwing rocks at them. I for one love the Ewoks because although I know they are stupid, they looked so cute and cuddly when I was a child, that the love for them grew up along with me. But by 1999, when Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace was released, I was 21 and I did not want to see any Ewoks in my new Star Wars. There were no Ewoks, but there sure were a lot of Gungans.

In general, I like the Gungans because they live in cool underwater domes and have a pretty sweet army, along with cool technology and transports. Boss Nass, their leader, and Captain Tarpals are pretty cool and do their jobs well. But there’s one Gungan in particular I don’t like: Jar Jar Binks. Why oh why is he so stupid and annoying? Was George Lucas high when he created him? Worst of all, he’s one of the most important characters in the movie, and continued to play an important role in Episode II as well.

So what makes Jar Jar so hateable?

1. His face is stupid. While most Gungans look alike, Jar Jar’s face is beyond retarded. Qui-Gon told him the ability to speak doesn’t mean he’s intelligent, and Obi-Wan referred to him as a pathetic life form. Jar Jar didn’t feel bad or anything, as he probably doesn’t understand the concept of stupid.

2. The way he talks. “Yousa tinkin yousa people gonna die?” Who talks like that? All the other Gungans talk like this, and it irritates the hell out of me, but Jar Jar’s voice is the worst and most stupid. Did George Lucas tell Ahmed Best (the voice actor) to talk like he just ate a peyote cactus for his audition? I can’t understand anything he says. It's easier to interpret Jabba the Hutt without reading the subtitles.

3. He’s a dumb fuck. I am constantly wondering how he managed to live long enough to even reach adulthood. He walks like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo and seems to have an IQ below 60. He does everything wrong. His own people hate him and banned him from the city because he is clumsy.

4. He helped create the Empire. Chancellor Palpatine had no problems persuading Jar Jar to propose the senate give him special powers to create a Grand Army of the Republic, which he would later use to create the Galactic Empire to kill all the Jedi and enslave anyone who opposed him. Nice going, Jar Jar.

5. He’s a walking and talking racist stereotype. I don’t completely agree on this one but many people hate Jar Jar because he reminds them of blackface actors from early 20th century that spoke in broken English and behaved like idiots. He says 'meesa' all the time, and black slaves used to call their owners 'masa' instead of master. Other characters were accused of being stereotypes as well. Watto is a big-nosed, greedy Jew and the Neimoidians are evil, power-hungry Japanese. Did Lucas do this on purpose or is it a conspiracy?

I’ll never understand why Lucas decided to give Jar Jar such a stupid personality and so much air time. What The Phantom Menace needed was less Binks and more Maul. He learned from his mistake and gave him less scenes and dialog for Episode II and barely included him in Episode III, but the damage had already been done. Jar Jar Binks… yousa suckin big doo-doo!!

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